Bom dia Pessoal,
Home WOD – 14
Técnica do Dia – Skills Wods
EMOM – 15′ (5x)
10 – Push Up/Knee Push
10 – Broomstick Chair Row
10 – Dips (Chair, Box, Armchair…)
Treino do Dia – “ALL BODY + “CORE”
3 Rounds – AMRAP
. 1′ – Alt. V-ups
. 1′ – Plank
. 1′ – Dead Bug
. 1′ – Rest
total time 11’00”
Treino Extra – Desafio 7
(AMRAP 13′)
1/1 – 2/2 – 3/3…
(Add 1 Rep por série)
• Snatch (PVC/Bastão)
• Over Head Squat (PVC/Bastão)
.A cada 5 séries completas,
realizar 5 Burpees.
.Utilizar mochila com
carga durante o treino.
Treinos Extras April 6 to 11- 2020
For Time – choose
1 or 2 in any order
3x 625m Row
3x 500m Run
3x 30 Cal Bike
3x 60 Double / 180 Single Under
3 rounds of 8 to 10 reps
Dumbbell Lunge Front Hack ( 10/15 kg)
Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift ( 15/22,5 kg)
Dumbbell Biceps + Shoulder Press Alterenado (7/ 10kg)
PSE 7 to 10 rest 30” each round of each exercise.
Prior to Tempo ( For Quality)
3 rounds for Quality
10 Roll up + Roll over stretches ( 3”)
5 Candle Stick
1 Inverted Hundred Weighted ( 1,1 kg)
5/5 TGU step 6 to 4 (12/16kg)
Rest 1’00” between rounds
que esse ano de 2020 seja extremamente abençoado a todos em nome de Jesus….
Thiago Martinez
Head Coach Crossfit