Treino do Dia – Quarta Feira – 14 de Julho de 2021

Boa Tarde Pessoal,

WOD 165 – 2021  

Técnica do Dia –  Skills Wods

4′ Foam roll: quads & hip flexor
1’/1′ kneeling hamstring stretch
10 roll over
3x 10” moutain climber stretch
10m moutain
– 2 rounds
10 “beat” swing w/abmat between legs
5 strict hanging legs
15 air squat
3x 3 double kb squat load prep.


Treino do Dia

– 3 sets of AMRAP 3′:
8 T2B* Sc: K2R
8 double Kb squat 12/ 20;   #
1’30” rest
(Total time: 13’30”)
*Rx: pode substituir por 4 B.M.U. = (performance)
Goal:  9 rounds +
PSE: > 15


*Cool down:

Clean up equipment/space

Stretchs and Mobility

Instagram @crossfitdadiva
Facebook @crossfitdadiva
whats app 11 97722-0825

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#cf #lifestyle #saude #burpee #challenge #desafio #covid19
#fitness #funcional #condicionamento #fisico #crossfitpratodos
#homewoddadiva #treinododia #homewod
#treinoemcasa #wod #supportyourlocalbox #apoieseubox

Thiago Martinez
Head Coach Crossfit